Storyboard is an interactive educational game designed and developed for Cardiff University, Wales. Storyboard aims to teach children between 5 and 15 about the various elements of story telling in a fun and unique way.
Players will begin Storyboard by creating their own character and picking that characters traits. They will then control that character through an interactive story where each of their decisions directly affects the outcome of the story.
Once the player has completed Storyboard a book will be generated that provides both the a text version of the players decisions and story as well as an educational explanation of the decisions they had to make and how such decisions can impact a story or character.
”Monocool went above and beyond to help us create a computer game that teaches children about how stories work. They grasped the concept straight away and had lots of ideas and suggestions. Both professional and personable, they kept in touch throughout the process and were quick to respond to any thoughts or ideas we had. We are really pleased with the game and would be happy to recommend them.
Rebecca Lawn, Creative Writing Toolkit, Cardiff University.